Here’s a basic step-by-step process on how to properly undergo Lucid Dreaming In reading through forums and articles written by the experienced and experts, it has been said that prolonged dwelling in a lucid dream tends to confuse a person between fantasy and reality.

Some experienced lucid dreamers do not encourage others to try lucid dreaming while some encourage it for the fun of the experience. There are a lot of guidelines on how to lucid dream and some of which are based on personal experiences. can take place while sleeping, under medication, during an accident or illness, or while meditating. is something we all experience, whether spontaneously or in-consciously. the method used is called “Dream Yoga” and the technique they used and is now called Wake Induced Lucid Dreams(WILD). *Fact: Who discovered Lucid dreaming? The Tibetan Buddhists were the first people to tutor the ability to lucid dream.

It has also been written about in the bible in the apocalypse of John as well as the epistles of Paul of Tarsus. Many Greek philosophers such as Plato, Herodotus and Hermotimus discussed about Lucid dreaming as well. Tibetan Buddhists called it a double body “houses of the soul”. The history of Lucid dreaming can be traced back to the Egyptian era where it was known as Shat-ka-ba illustrated by ancient scriptures of souls leaving its body. Some people have the ability to lucidly dream without practice but some need guidance and training to carefully enter the world of lucid dreams. So what is Lucid Dreaming? Lucid dreaming happens when a person’s conscious mind takes control over what happens in the dream.

Lucid dreaming is also known as Sleep Paralysis, Astral Projection and Out of Body Experience. It has also been seen in the mind-boggling movie Inception, where lucid dreaming was utilized to achieve the protagonist’s goals. It has been featured in movies like Insidious, where the medium uses sleep paralysis to contact the dead. Lucid dreaming has piqued the interest of many.